Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Clean Texas

I concur with my colleague, Steve‘s, perspective on the issue of whether plastic bags should be banned or not in his blog, Plastic Baggage. He believes that it won’t be successful to make them disappear for either the government or the people. He is able to put forth the difficulties that could develop if this ban took place and inform his fellow colleagues and readers of a proposal and its possible effects.
It is true that banning plastic bags would make it hard to replace the function of them to many people. In a sense, they are recyclable. Unlike paper bags, they can withstand the rain and the heat; they will take less time to decompose; they take less space when being shipped to their destination; they don’t cost money to be used compared to the recyclable bags that one has to purchase.
It would take too much getting used to for some people if such a proposal was passed. They might have to spend more money on ways to replace the plastic bags and people would request the return of the bags. Although it may cost the city of Austin lots of money to clean up the mess of the bags it may cost more to ban them and make them vanish and can result in them coming right back.