Thursday, October 27, 2011

More for Less

It has been said that illegal immigrants have taken some of the jobs of Texan workers. Immigrants, although they have looked for the job, have not “stolen” Texan’s work but rather the own employers have sought them out due to such benefits as the low pay that illegal aliens are willing to take (compared to how much a native is expected to get payed or the nagging of a right of a payment raise.) Additionally, these workers will obey most demands, sometimes hard labor, in order to keep their jobs.
In the Texas state House, they have proposed a bill in which hiring or allowing an illegal alien to work will result in up to 2 years in jail and a $10,000 fine. This bill, however, will not be eligible for those working in household jobs such as working as a maid, caretaker, lawn work, or any other type of housework. This bill may be viewed as many as an act of ignorance coming from the Texas government since these immigrants are basically being used to do the jobs that others find too laborious, underpaid, or are just not willing to do.
Furthermore, these illegal workers are not given all the benefits that a Texan is able to receive. These benefits include medical insurance, retirement funds, and other such things that can be enjoyed by legal residents.
Although they may be "stealing" jobs, they are working more for less gains and are being punished for it by the government.


  1. Well said! I agree with your statement that illegal immigrants are not "stealing" jobs from Texans. Many of the lower paying jobs such as gardening, housekeeping, and child care are performed by immigrants at salaries "Native-born" Americans refuse. The Texas legislatures are proposing fines to employers for higher paying jobs. I think this is an attempt to slow down illegal immigrants, forcing them into lower paying jobs and giving Native Americans a chance for these more profitable positions.
    Unfortunately, many Americans do not wish careers in carpentery, tiling, and roadbuilding. Many Americans prefer "white-collar" jobs preventing the skilled laborers from these jobs will leave a vacuum in the workforce. I think $10,000 and two years in jail is too strict of a punishment for a "crime" that brings employment and revenue to our state. This bill would discourage employers who are trying to bring skilled artisans to our homes.

  2. I agree with you on this subject. Some Illegal immigrants may harm the economy by working here and sending their money to other countries perhapse to help their families which i'll admit is a noble cause but others are working, playing, shopping, and just trying to make a living here in effect stimulating our economy. As an example my friend Carlos Herrera (an illegal immigrant with forged SS card) worked many jobs others would turn down including "household" work helping the mentally and physically handicapped. He has a good guy with a good work ethic and I have a lot of respect for him. I heard a piece of stand-up comedy by Wanda Sykes recently that put it in perspective for me. Would you be mad if someone broke into your house and vacuumed? I wouldn't.
